3690 Orange Place, Suite 495 Cleveland, Ohio 44122 USA
Toll Free: 866-BORATES (866-267-2837)
Quality Borate uses United Parcel Service (UPS) Ground Shipping for most shipments.
Quality Borate uses Pay Pal to expedite all transactions. This website is encrypted to insure the safety of the transaction. Quality Borate never sees your credit card information. Pay Pal is the middle-party in the purchase process. When Pay Pal receives your credit card information and it is verified, Quality Borate is notified about your order. When Quality Borate notifies Pay Pal that the order has been shipped, Pay Pal places the monies into our account. The process is safe and accurate.
Returns must be made within 90 days after the item was originally shipped.
To be eligible for a return refund, the item must be returned unopened and in the original condition at the time of the original sale with the original packaging materials and labels. All costs of return shipping must be paid by the customer.
Steps for Returning an Item.
Quality Borate has been supplying high quality borate products since 1986. Boric Acid, Borate Products, and a Reliable supply of boron with short lead times.
Address: 3690 Orange Place, Suite 495 Cleveland, Ohio 44122 USA
Toll Free: 866-BORATES (866-267-2837)
Local: 216-896-1949
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